Introducing the new E-Z Grader skid-steer attachment which boasts a built-in roller compactor, retractable ripper shanks, and deployable wings for superior performance. The attachment is designed for seamless compatibility with all top skid-steer brands.
The E-Z Grader is a multifaceted attachment designed to deliver precise grading across a wide range of projects with the ability to grade in both 2D and 3D. This innovative tool is perfect for various applications, including warehouses, parking lots, and athletic fields.
The E-Z Grader is proudly manufactured in the United States. This attachment was meticulously researched and designed by a skilled team of construction equipment specialists based in Southern Wisconsin with decades of combined experience in construction and construction machinery. The E-Z Grader packs a revolutionary laser-grading design and was first unveiled at the World of Concrete 2025 in Las Vegas, Nevada.
For more information or a demo or quote please contact the E-Z Grader sales line: 1-844-494-3363 or email
The E-Z Grader is available for delivery in Spring 2025
About E-Z Grader: E-Z Grader is an innovative new product line that creates precise laser-grading attachments. E-Z Grader is rapidly expanding, offering attachments to companies of all sizes from small owner-operated businesses to large global contractors. The company’s headquarters, engineering, and manufacturing are in the United States. In addition to a direct sales force in the U.S., the company has an extensive network of dealers and partners to serve customers anywhere in the world.
Media Contact:
Heather Hughes
View more information on the E-Z Grader Website