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Road repair projects are on the rise, but limited budgets require a reevaluation of methods and efficiency to ensure the available funds can stretch far enough.
With crews facing a growing backlog of jobs, contractors are looking for ways to improve efficiency and get more done with the same amount of time and workers. Is your fleet up to the task?
Here’s how our FH-R material placement attachment provides a realistic, effective solution to increase efficiency and minimize expense — all while utilizing equipment you’re already familiar with.
Road construction tasks like backfilling and aggregate placement have typically been viewed as a four-step process. Roadway materials are piled on the road, scraped into place, compacted and then crews sweep and clean what remains off the road. Although larger machines and added crew members can help complete projects, another perspective to increase efficiency and safety is to minimize the number of steps in the process with the use of material placement attachments, which will also cut down on labor.
The FH-R attachment takes this complex four-step process and cuts it down to two steps.
With this method, a single operator connects their skid steer, loader or other common host machine to the attachment and loads road material into the hopper at the top. Then, the operator drives alongside the road as the material is fed down the hopper onto a conveyor which then carries the material to the edge of the attachment, dispensing it through an adjustable width opening exactly where it’s needed.
Operation is simple, requiring only a single crewmember from inside the host machine using a remote control, dispensing as much as 20 tons of aggregate in under 10 minutes.
To further increase the efficiency of the FH-R attachment, Road Widener offers dual and single, left or right side, dispensing configurations to streamline the process.
Crews can not only do more work in a day but do more with their budget by cutting out steps without adding more self-propelled machines or workers.
The return on your equipment investment comes from reduced maintenance costs and downtime along with equipment longevity and versatility. Large, self-propelled machines cost more to acquire and require more maintenance than construction and utility attachments. By opting for the FH-R material placement attachment instead of investing in a brand-new machine, you’re saving up to 80% in purchase costs alone. Additionally, the FH-R material placement attachment can connect to the engine and hydraulics of host machines like skid steers, track loaders, wheel loaders and more. In the case a host machine needs to be serviced, crews can quickly and easily hook up the attachment to another machine and continue working.
In times where labor is scarce, opting for attachments allows you to utilize your fleet, and assign crewmembers to different tasks that will expedite the project. The FH-R attachment only requires one crewmember — up to 50% savings in labor — which could potentially double a crew’s work capacity
While engines, transmissions and driveshafts are necessary to have on jobsites, the addition of Road Widener’s FH-R attachment helps cut down on expenses by connecting low-cost, essentially maintenance-free hydraulic hookups to a host machine to power the attachment. Plus, without an engine or transmission of their own to upkeep, contractors can reduce maintenance by up to 90% with just a few grease fittings to maintain. Cutting out unnecessary parts slashes prices and allows contractors to invest in the host machines they know will support their fleet from multiple angles.